Born in Canada, I live in Geneva, Switzerland. Creative in the field of film and photography, I founded the Black Movie Film Festival in Geneva in 1991. After directing the festival for ten years, I moved into film production, first working for the European Broadcasting Union and then founding my own company to produce and direct internationally distributed documentary films: Hitler's Museum, Darwin's Great Journey, Jean Jacques Rousseau ─ Tout dire, Seed Warriors, Ce cher Museum.
In parallel to my film work, I am a photographer. In 2021, I produced and edited the book Memento Mori, “Remember that you are mortal,” a maxim stemming from medieval Christianity, reminding humanity of the vanity of earthly life. Memento Mori also enters into dialogue with the Latin phrase carpe diem, seize the day, an invitation to eat and drink heartily, and delight in the present moment because the future is uncertain… In Cahier de Consolation, 2022, the passage of time was once again my focus, using the plant world and my own body as visual support.
My work contains both photographs and “scanograms.”
+41 79 706 86 48
Galerie POLOMARCO Grand-Rue 5, Genève 26 septembre – 21 décembre
Galerie du Millenium. Millenium Center Crissier 4 septembre - 4 octobre 2024
LETU BOOKS, Librairie d’Art Geneva, Switzerland En ce moment
FORUM MEYRIN et JARDIN ALPIN MEYRIN 15 juin au 8 septembre 2024
FLORA INCOGNITA EXPO PLEIN AIR Septembre 2024 Parc des Bastions, Genève
Galerie Alexandre Mottier. Geneva, Switzerland 01-29 juin 2023
CARPE DIEM - EXPO PLEIN AIR Maison de Vessy Juin 2023 Vessy
MEMENTO MORI - EXPO PLEIN AIR Juillet 2023 Genève Plage
SARASOTA FLOWER SHOW 4-10 Novembre 2022 Sarasota, Floride, USA
MEMENTO MORI - CARPE DIEM Galerie Alexandre Mottier. Geneva, Switzerland
MEMENTO MORI. Parc des Bastions Geneva, Switzerland
MEMENTO MORI. Château de Nyon Nyon, Switzerland
FLOWER POWER. Ferment Hood River, Oregon